We are back to the Day Ward at QMH for regular blood test and line care today. Met with Dr Chong and Adrian is confirmed to start the long awaited Autologous Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplantation a.k.a. ABMT on Dec 4th!!!! While Adrian is still recuperating from the liver surgery which happened short of 2 weeks ago, he's going to start another battle next Tuesday!
The nurse gave me a checklist of things that I need to buy and prepare for baby's ABMT. The plan is Adrian will be admitted to the isolated bone marrow transplant unit inside K8N on Tuesday and he will undergo 5 days of very high dosage of chemotherapy starting from Wed til Sunday. The chemo dose is high enough that not only will it destroy any remaining cancerous cells but also the bone marrow (crippling his whole body's immune system) and makes room for the new bone marrow. The following Monday, Dec 10th, will be the day where his cord blood will be infused to his body for growing the new bone marrow. What seems like an easy process but in fact it's not... Before/During the time when Adrian's body starts to build up his immune system, he's very susceptible to infection and excessive bleeding. Extraordinary precautions will be taken to minimize his exposure to viruses and bacteria. Baby will most likely be suffering from mucoscitis, diarrhea and possibly graft-versus-host disease. It'll be another long stay at K8N for sure (roughly around 60 days or more).
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