Nov 20, 2007

It was a short stay at the ICU and doctors have agreed to transfer Adrian back to the regular ward without constant monitoring in the ICU in the afternoon!!!! It's the shortest stay ever in ICU for Adrian!!!! While Mama was expecting baby would stay in ICU a bit longer, she had to rush home and got the necessities such as diapers (Adrian had foley catheter in ICU but it was removed later) and baby's fav blankee. I was trying to hold Adrian at one point but he screamed when he was being held half way. Afterall, today is only the 1st day after the surgery and I think his wound still hurts. Otherwise, he's all good (he smiled for the first time since yesterday morning before the surgery) except he needed me to keep him company ALL THE TIME. Prof Fan came around 20:00 (it's amazing he did the ward rounds that late!!!) to see Adrian and he felt that baby is doing really well that he said the nasogastric tube can be removed as well. Adrian is one more step towards recovery. But I'll talk to the doctors tomorrow about reducing his Morphine dosage.

Morphine infusion for pain relief...


Ruthia's mama said...

How brave is little Adrain !

Give him a hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, another big step to the full recovery. Keep it up Adrian! We're all waiting for your victorious return to T.O. :P