Nov 16, 2007

Papa took half day off and accompanied Adrian to QM for Pre-Op Assessment. We arrived PSW around 15:00 and didn't leave until 18:00. Met with the Anesthesiologist as well as one of the doctors from the Surgical Team discussing risks associated with the surgery. This surgery, again, is considered as "ultramajor" - same as the one he had in July because it involves an organ (i.e. Liver). They are going to remove section IV/V of Adrian's liver, that's where his tumors are located. Liver is the only organ in human body that will grow by itself but it may take up to months or even years to fully recover. I'm afraid it may take even longer for Adrian since he'll be going to ABMT in less than a month after the surgery! While we thought we'd have home leave for the weekend and won't be back until Monday - the surgery day; we were wrong.... The blood test yesterday showed that Adrian's renal function deteriorates a bit with a higher than normal Creatinine level. So for the sake of safety, they did another blood test and Adrian will be back again tomorrow for an ultrasound on his kidney just to make sure everything is ok....

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