April 9, 2008

PBMT - Day 121

Mama took Adrian to Central this morning for his second TCM appointment. We didn't wait that long (at least a lot better than last time) or maybe it's because we got a visitor to keep us company during our wait. The waiting was simply a photo session where Aunt S who sneaked out from work brought along a camera and shot a few pictures of little Adrian. Other patients in the waiting area must have thought we were crazy!! Sadly, hospital/doctor's visits are the only times Adrian can get out of the house and so everyone is excited to seeing him. The TC was pleased that Adrian was able to finish the medicine last time and he's prescribed a week of TCM for him this time. According to TCM, long term health maintenance is essential for cancer patients and Adrian is no exception. We left the clinic around noon and we took a bus back home! It's the FIRST time Adrian rode the bus... he was very excited and well behaved during the whole journey.

1 comment:

Will's Dad said...

Thank you Jennifer for you kind post. Adrian is adorable and you have quite an extraordinary journey. I wish all the best for your family.