April 28, 2008

PBMT - Day 140

Our weekly QM visit started early in the morning and we are home by 10am with a huge bag of toy! Adrian got an Activity House as his 2nd birthday present from the Children Cancer Foundation. Apart from the gift, his blood counts are stabilizing and are in good range. We got a call from the nurse later in the day telling us that the doctor would like to book an appointment with Adrian about removing his central line. However, we'd like to keep the line at least for another 2 weeks til May 13th - the day when Adrian will have another CT Scan to see his liver. If everything goes well as we'd hoped, we'll then be comfortable to remove his central line meaning his treatment has all been done!


Deqlan said...

hello au family
just popping past to say hello and have a lovely weekend hope Adrian continues to do so well God Bless Samm and Deqlan

Ide Kaoru said...

To me, it sounds like that you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So happy for you. I've been away from the computer for a while, but now that I'm back, I've been reading your entries again. I do pity Adrian though, having to drink so much Chinese medicine, for I have been on the Chinese medicine for a month too (this week is my last).
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Jen and Derek,

I'm so happy to see that Adrian is doing that well and getting closer to the end of his treatment.
Thanks for keeping the log, it helps us to keep a close eye on little Adrian.
Lupita and Family