April 3, 2008

PBMT - Day 115

During our QM visit today, Mama performed the line care for Adrian - she flushed Adrian's central line and changed his dressing in front of the nurse in preparation for doing such at home. Having completed it the first time, she'd have to do it two more times at QM before she can do it at home. The visit today was meant to be a short one without blood work but we didn't leave until noon. What a coincidence that we saw Dr Chan was doing his teaching at the ward and we chose to stay behind and waited til he finished so we can have a short discussion over the issues for Adrian. He didn't offer much advice in the end as he "thinks" the two spots in liver are nothing major. They are too small for a needle biopsy at this stage. As for VMA/HVA, we'll bring the urine sample again on our next visit (next Tues) which means Adrian will have to abstain from Pediasure 48 hours prior. A request for another CT Scan has been sent and we will be advised once the date has been set. Well, those were the action items so far and there's really not much we could do... whether it be good or bad, time will tell!

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