Mar 14, 2008

PBMT - Day 95

Adrian returned to the Day Ward at QM this morning for blood test and line care. The result for the CT Scan also came in but it's not something we'd like to hear.... We waited til noon and that's when Dr Cheuk came in and explained the findings for the CT Scan. Everything looks all right with the exception of TWO new "nodules" being found in his right lobe of liver (seg VII) measuring up to 4.5mm in size!!! Nobody knows what those two nodules are... they could be cysts or worse case, another liver metastasis. Docs are going to borrow the films from the scanning department and have the Radiologist take a closer look and see. Originally we were told if everything is all right, Adrian's central line will be removed and we won't need to go to QM twice a week for line care. But now, looks like we are going to keep his line for a little while and see. Doc said most likely they'll have Adrian go for a return scan in another 3 months.... We will have to provide Adrian's urine sample on Monday for VMA/HVA testing. Well, all of the sudden - we felt like we are not going to see the light at the end of tunnel... at least for now!


Grace said...

hi Mrs Au,
It's grace! I just read over your new entries and am pleased to hear that Adrian's happy and growing well, he's looking ever so good in the photos (esp the one with the upside down book...very scholarly, hehe). But am sorry to hear about the CT scan findings. I hope they can find out what those 2 nodules are soon and deal with them quickly!

take care!

Uncle Brian said...

Hello Baby Adrian,

After I rediscovered your blog address, I have been reading your recent entries. You do not know me, but I am a friend of your grandma in Markham Canada. When we got news from your grandma that you were sick last year, a group of us from the Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church prayed for your recovery. Tonight, we prayed for you and your family also. This year, Easter is on March 21 and you were born on Easter day in 2006. Christians all over the world remember Jesus for dying on the cross for us but He rose from the dead 3 days later. Despite of the recent CT scan results, we pray that you will get better and return to Toronto. We would love to come and visit you and your parents at that time.

That's all for now!

Uncle Brian & Auntie Marina

Deqlan said...

Hello Jenn

I am so sorry to hear you are sadened by the CT scan results - praying that they can be resolved quickly and pain free and that Adrian can continue on top form! Please let us know when you do, prayers continue!
God Bless
Samm & Deqlan