Mar 13, 2008

PBMT - Day 94

Adrian still stays at home most of the time due to his weak immune system. He enjoys playing with shapes and blocks. Recently, we found out that he's starting to know the differences of shapes. He can pretty much fit the shapes in the respective slots. While we feel happy with him reaching this milestone, he's experiencing separation anxiety these days especially at sleep time. In the past, we had no problems dropping Adrian off his crib and he'd fall asleep on his own listening to his music box. But lately, it takes several trips for Mama to come into Adrian's room every night to reassure him that we are there before he can fall asleep. And what's more - when he awakes in the middle of the night realizing no one was there, he'd stand on his crib and cry out loud until he sees one of us is coming. Papa ended up sleeping beside Adrian's crib in the past weeks and then he'd all be happy. We had no idea what needs to be done to rectify this situation. We are tempted to try out the CIO method...

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