We stayed home most of the day except a short visit to QMH this afternoon for the GCSF shot. The OT gown, socks & cap are all ready for Adrian.
Details for the surgery:-
Description: LT Adrenalectomy
Surgeons: Dr. Paul Tam & Dr. Kenneth Wong
Duration: Approx. 6 hours
Purpose: Removal of Left Adrenal Gland where the primary tumor is located. Remove other 'visible' tumors located in pancreatic head & liver if possible.
Tomorrow is Adrian's big day - the day that we've been waiting for since day one of knowing he had NB.... I'm trying to enjoy as much in these few days leading up to the surgery as I'm so afraid of losing him in this battle! Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words. Stay tuned..
Dear Jennifer and Derek,
Aunt So (from Toronto) and her daughter (myself) have been following Adrian's situation daily. I've meant to email you several times but thought it might not help cause you might not even know us. We have been praying real hard for Adrian and your family. We are greatly touched by your courage and your undying love for precious little Adrian. We will pray real hard tonight and let's hope Adrian will come out of this tall and strong....
Lots of love and prayer,
Aunt So and Yvonne
Hi Yvonne,
Thanks for thinking of us and the best wishes. Please pass my thanks to Aunt So as well. Hope we can be home very soon.
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