July 19, 2007

Adrian had his first Antibodies Immunotheraphy today. I personally think Adrian had done very well, at least a lot better than what I'd expected. He was still playing in the first 1.5 hours (it takes time for the antibodies to travel to the body through bloodstream)... And all of the sudden, his facial expression changed and the pain happened very spontaneously... I believe as soon as he feels it, it's already unbearable. It breaks my heart when I see him in so much pain... Mixed with crying and screaming, Adrian tolerated for 15 mins and finally the doctor came to give him an additional one long shot of Morphine & Valium. Baby fell asleep after and was very tired for the rest of the day. He also had some mild rash which can be controlled by injecting Piriton. Well, this is only the first day... 4 more days to go...

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