May 8, 2010

With the theme “Mother’s Day” this week, Adrian learned a new song at school and came home singing bits and pieces of the song...

“I love you forever, I love you… always… you…. Mommy” :) 

Adrian loves school and he always talks about a few of his friends that he’s especially close with at school. As our family went out for Mother’s Day dinner at the restaurant tonight, Adrian began talking about that one friend and told us she sat at the table across the hallway from ours. We had no ideas how true it is but there’s indeed a girl sitting at that table but the girl had no reactions seeing us (& Adrian) whatsoever. Towards the end of the dinner, Papa took the initiative and brought Adrian there to meet with that girl (& her father) and say hello… Wow, what a coincidence that she really IS Adrian’s classmate – the girl whom Adrian talks about day and night! The father of that girl was also surprised that Adrian could recognize his friend (i.e. his daughter) at the restaurant. What sharp eyes Adrian has!!! We're really impressed!

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