June 7, 2008

PBMT - Day 180

Today marks the 180th day past transplant for Adrian which means he can now be officially off from some of the medication incl. Acyclovir & Septrin. But we are going to continue giving them to him until we get the doc confirmation on our next QM appointment on June 23rd. Initially, Adrian had his 3rd ST session this morning but it was canceled (and will be rescheduled) due to the Black Rainstorm warning issued early in the morning.

We later went out for lunch after the Rainstorm warning was off. There's a funny episode where Adrian poo'ed when we were having lunch at the restaurant. Unfortunately there's no facilities like the changing table in the restaurant and the captain was kind enough that he let us change Adrian in the bride's room. It was very funny afterall.... we felt sorry for the bride who'll be using this room!


Ide Kaoru said...

No way! Having a little kid pee or poo in her change room will bring her good luck and maybe bring her a baby soon after marriage!

Very soon, Adrian will be ready for pull-ups! Does HK have portable potty seats so that you can set it up on the loo for Adrian to go number 2?

Anonymous said...

hahah! Is that the CAKE next to the table?
That's so funny!
HK is not really baby friendly eh...
