PBMT - Day 190
We followed the exact same timetable but we were not as fortunate as yesterday's to be able to leave QM by noon. Adrian is getting better today, at least he's not taking panadol anymore (perhaps should say he still has low grade fever e.g. 37.6C). However, Mama almost starved to death as we kept waiting and didn't get to see our doctor until 2pm (because they were occupied with the big half year review meeting!!!)!!! As we'd expected, doctor has agreed to discharge Adrian after examining him. The nasal fluid report also came back and in conclusion, Adrian was diagnosed with Influenza B virus! And doc reiterated that no antibiotics is needed and Adrian's immune system would fight against the virus. So we are finally being discharged and arrived home around 16:00.
I'm so sorry to hear that Adrian is down with the flu, but it is really difficult to prevent when he is starting play group (seeing other people than mom and dad) and the fact that it is flu season in HK doesn't help either. When Kate was down with a flu, I used to comfort myself that it will train her immune system to be stronger, and that after a fever, she will grow taller too. As our family doctor used to say, as long as the kid is active, running a mild fever is okay. If you come across some organic freezies (in Toronto, you can find those in the health food aisles in Loblaws), perhaps that is a fun way for Adrian to cool off. I hope he gets well soon. (BTW, do people ward off eating chicken in HK? Otherwise, chicken noodle soup seems to work wonder for feverish Kate.)
Glad to hear you could go home and hope Adrian continues to get better! God Bless and prayers contiue Samm & Deqlan
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