Autologous Cord Blood (Stem Cell) Transplantation - Day 35
Adrian received his 6th and final 3F8 treatment this week. The doctor has anticipated baby will experience severe pain due to his current weak immune system. Adrian encountered mild pain and he fell asleep shortly after he was given the pain relief. He, however, was too sleepy (because of the Morphine & Valium) to have dinner and so Mama has requested IV running overnight as supplement for Adrian. Neutrophils skyrocketed at 6.79 after the GCSF shot yesterday. We'll see how Adrian reacts tomorrow.
Hey buddy. I hope your son will recover soon. Thank god for stem cell research.
Hope Adrian has minimal pain and hope all continues to go great! You are in our thoughts and prayers each day! God Bless Samm mom to Deqlan stage 4s
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