Jan 21, 2008

Autologous Cord Blood (Stem Cell) Transplantation - Day 42

Adrian had his bone marrow examination this morning. Baby was sedated during the process and woke up around 15:00 when he had his first meal of the day. Adrian has not been eating well in the past few days and I believe he's REALLY tired of the hospital meals that he'd rather have baby canned food these days. The Gerber Gravy Chicken seems to be his favorite lately and he can finish off 2 cans easily. Starting this week, Adrian will only have blood drawn every Mon/Thur/Sat instead of daily blood test. His Neutrophils finally went below 1 and stood at 0.94. Doc didn't give him GCSF shot this time and will monitor to see if it grows back on his own on Thursday's blood test.

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