Dec 6, 2007

Adrian is all messed up with his sleeping pattern today where he'd fall asleep whenever it's meal time. It really frustrates Mama that if he misses meal time, he'd not have anything to eat! Baby refused to nap and was all hypered when the post hydration finished around 14:00. It took over an hour in order to "force" him to sleep, otherwise he'd be exhausted again later as dinner will be served at 17:00 at the hospital. Met with the Dietitian yesterday and ordered an apple sauce and milk for Adrian today. We'd like to re-introduce milk to Adrian again and see if he likes it given there'll not be any servings after 17:00 and we are worried that he might be hungry later at night. Adrian didn't disappoint me in this case - he drank about 6 oz of milk the first time in 6 months!!!! Unfortunately, he still refused to use the bottle and the 6 oz of milk was served by spoon!!! It's all worth it and let's hope it wasn't a one time shot and he can pick this habit (drinking milk) up again.

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