Dec 4, 2007

Today is the day Adrian is admitted to the BMT unit at QMH. Shortly after arriving to the isolated BMT unit, Adrian was shaved by a Ward Assistant (since his hair will fall again after chemo) then head straight to a bath before going into his unit. Baby seemed to like the new unit and found everything inside pretty exciting. He probably had no idea it's going to be his "jail" for the next 45-60 days if not more. Mama was so busy wiping everything (e.g. diapers, toys and even the ziploc bag with his clothes) with ethanol before bringing into his unit. Adrian had his regular blood test, in fact, he'll have blood test EVERYDAY from now on. Everything seems to run smoothly and that baby is accustomed to the new environment; however, the blood test result came later in the afternoon revealed that baby is again with a sudden poor renal function (abnormally high Creatinine level). Unlike last time where his poor renal function was attributed to the contrast he had during the CT Scan (just before the Liver Surgery), the doctors were basically clueless in this case. In conclusion, Adrian's ABMT may have to delay a day or two (don't know when) until his renal function becomes normal.....

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