Mar 14, 2010

Had a trip to Wal-Mart looking for a kid’s bike for Adrian. When our shopping cart passed by the dairy product section, Adrian pointed at the “Yoghurt” stack and asked us to buy him some (a specific brand)??!!! We were very surprised as Adrian never liked yoghurt since we had tempted him to try it for a few times before but no success. We were still in disbelief but as soon as we got home, he immediately opened the yoghurt cup and started scooping it. He said he has it at school for snacks… We never thought the school would have such a GOOD influence on his eating habit. He’s more receptive to try on new food. Food that he likes now but never seemed to like it before include granola bar, cheese strings, Pretz, Ritz cheese crackers & yoghurt etc. Those were the food that he's tried at school for snacks!

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