Adrian is getting close to two years post-transplant and he's due to go for his last vaccination today (MMR). Instead of going to QMH, we brought him go see his Paediatrician here - the first time in 2.5 years. However, Adrian didn't end up getting the shots simply because the doctor complained we should have brought him see her first thing after we came back from HK!! And because of the fact that Adrian is a "special case" as she quoted, she needed sometime to "study" his case before she gives him the shots! Meanwhile, other than the doc's letter from QMH for which we've given her, she wanted to have ALL copies of Adrian's medical records! Though we had no ideas why she would need ALL because she's not an Oncology Specialist, we would have to provide them to her in order for Adrian to get the shots. Well, at least she's being extra cautious NOW and seeing Adrian has cold-symptoms (runny nose & cough), not only did she got his nasal/throat discharge for the lab, she also prescribed a course of antibiotics to Adrian just to be safe.