Dec 12, 2008

Adrian had his first Christmas Party to go this year and it's Kids' Christmas Party held at Papa's workplace. It was a short hour and a half party where Adrian got a gift/picture with Santa, balloons and entertained by a clown with some refreshments. We all had a good time!


Anonymous said...

Wow how far Adrian has come from his BMT! It's wonderful to read his progress and marvel at all that his little body has endured with great success. Glad to hear that he is enjoying school and that life is starting to sound more "normal". I hope that you all have a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday. - Candice

Deqlan said...

Congrats on the one year mark, what a blessing and gift from Our Lord we continue to prayer Adrian remains ned forever and always! Hope you enjoying all the festivities! Lots of love and hugs, God Bless Mark,Samm, Deqlan