Feb 17, 2008

PBMT - Day 69

The policy at K7N requested all rooms to turn off the light at 20:00 and TV at 20:30, that made Adrian became an early sleeper recently. Since he was well rested and became fully energized as soon as Papa changed him around 02:00 and he stayed up til 05:00 early this morning!!! Despite Adrian didn't get much sleep last night, he's more ok in general than yesterday. He only had two bowel movements today and they were not as bad. He ate well but we still requested to keep his IV in preparation for the MIBG & Bone Scan tomorrow. Adrian will need to fast before the test and the tests may run through the rest of the week. We were hoping Adrian will get better by the end of next week so all of us can go home for some much needed rest!

Mama & little Adrian in K7N - courtesy of the medical student!

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