Sept 4, 2007

Adrian has been eating and sleeping well at home this past week. His weight surpassed the 10 kg mark and is now at 10.1 kg - that's close to how much he weighted when he was first diagnosed over 6 months ago. I felt like he has stopped growing since 10 months old... At 16 1/2 months old, not only does he not know how to walk, he doesn't even know how to chew (though he has lots of teeth) or how to use a sippy/straw and keep refusing bottles. But I guess these are minor as long as he can regain his health! His counts are still low with Neutrophils at 0.59 and Platelet at 44. I wonder when he's going to make it for RT???


Ide Kaoru said...

Does he like putting things in his mouth? May be you can buy him some safe snacks to chew on just for fun? One time, I saw a mom brought cooked peas for her little daughter to eat / play with while at a restaurant. I think it's a good idea, since peas are veggies and they are not hard like cheerios. Just be sure to supervise him while eating though. The ability to eat all starts with practicing on mushy food first. Good luck!

Ide Kaoru said...

By the way, sippy cups are more difficult than what we can give credit for. My daughter (at 3 years of age) still has trouble using sippy cups. Somehow it has to do with the suction plastic that regulate airflow. I tried it once and thought it difficult even for adults. As for straws, my daughter surprised us and herself one day (about 15 months of age) by sipping through the tiny straws of a drinking box. I guess you really can't explain to a kid how to sip, they really must get it on their own. But it doesn't hurt to let them keep on trying, it's just another "toy" for them to play with, they don't mind.