Ever since we knew "The Wish" Adrian is going to get later this year through Make-A-Wish, we made everything possible to make it happen.
First, we decided to furnish our basement – the area of his future playroom. Two designers from IKEA and our Wish Grantor came this morning to gather ideas from us, most importantly from Adrian and did some measurements on the play area. The Wish - "Extreme Playroom Makeover" is scheduled to take place on Aug 29th. The crew from IKEA will come with all the goodies and do the installation work in just ONE day! An added bonus for Adrian is MAW will send him out for the day with Papa, just so that it is a surprise for Adrian when he gets home. We are excited to see how it’ll all turn out that day!
First, we decided to furnish our basement – the area of his future playroom. Two designers from IKEA and our Wish Grantor came this morning to gather ideas from us, most importantly from Adrian and did some measurements on the play area. The Wish - "Extreme Playroom Makeover" is scheduled to take place on Aug 29th. The crew from IKEA will come with all the goodies and do the installation work in just ONE day! An added bonus for Adrian is MAW will send him out for the day with Papa, just so that it is a surprise for Adrian when he gets home. We are excited to see how it’ll all turn out that day!