Jan 27 - 29, 2009

t's the FIRST time in more than two and a half years that Adrian could feel what a Chinese New Year is like. We met up with different relatives (from both paternal and maternal sides) and friends for lunch and dinner these couple of days. Adrian got so tired after all the socializing events that he'd off to the dreamland whenever he was put to bed.

Photo taken inside the "Western Market" in Sheung Wan during lunch time.

Jan 26, 2009

Two years ago on the First day of Chinese New Year, our little Adrian stayed in the ICU because of excessive bleeding after the biopsy. Because of the strict visitor rules, we were not allowed to stay for long or overnight. Therefore we went "shopping" at the new mall called APM. Two years later on the First day of Chinese New Year of the Ox today, all of us went shopping and once again, to APM. To make up for the loss from two years ago, Adrian kept us company this time - he sat patiently on the stroller and got very curious on almost everything. This is the best shopping day we could ever hope for... We sure wish the Year of the Ox would bring all of us good health and many happy returns.

Jan 25, 2009

Adrian is trying his Chinese New Year outfit... He's going to dress up as such on the second day of Chinese New Year where he'll go and have lunch/dinner with relatives!

Jan 24, 2009

Mama and Adrian cleaned up his play area this afternoon. The cleaning is long overdue and we re-organized some of his stuff and books in preparation for the upcoming New Year!

Jan 23, 2009

We followed the tradition and checked out the Chinese New Year Market tonight after putting Adrian to sleep. It wasn't as packed as last year's and we bought some fun stuff for Adrian again - a toy chest & a stool (2 in 1) and a (Dr Slump Aralechan Gatchan Norimaki) soft toy that moves her head when one claps. Needless to say, Adrian loves all his new toys!!!

Jan 22, 2009

Since Adrian isn't very experienced with using scissors, Mama has been letting Adrian play with it and helped him practice his coordination by maneuvering his own hands. It looks like he's pretty comfortable picking up the scissors after a few days practice and is able to open and shut his hands (with little help from Mama flipping the paper) to cut the paper.

Jan 20, 2009

It's good to know that Adrian "graduated" from the physiotherapy session at DK yesterday. Today, we were off to DK again for a fine motor skills assessment performed by an Occupational Therapist. The therapist wanted to see how Adrian is doing after 8 classes of group trainings. It's the same assessment as the initial one except that Adrian was 25 months old back then and now he's 33 months old. Adrian was assessed based on things that a 33 months old toddler is supposed to do. Mama sat beside Adrian and watched how he did during the whole test without interruption. Adrian did well on most of the tasks meaning he's improved a lot when compared to the last assessment. The therapist computed the scores in the end and on a scale from 1 - 100 (Full mark is 100; passing range is 27-100), Adrian scored 27 - right on the passing mark!!!! Mama was already very pleased with the result but thought if Adrian scored 1 mark below (i.e. 26), he would have the opportunity to go for another 8 classes of group trainings!!! The therapist was kind enough that she'd shared some tips on ways/games to enrich Adrian's skills... Well, we are pleased to say Adrian "graduated" from this occupational therapy session and he no longer requires to go for fine motor skills trainings (the oral motor skills training will continue though).

Jan 19, 2009

We had a hard time getting Adrian's urine first thing in the morning simply because he refused to get up. He fussed & fussed and not until he poo'd when Mama sneaked the bottle and got his urine. We got assigned to see Dr Ho this time and there really wasn't much to say.... mentioned to doc that Adrian has been coughing on and off for 2 months and that he didn't seem to heal with both Western & Chinese medicine. Dr Ho gave Adrian 2 new medicine to try this time to see if it helps. Last VMA/HVA results were normal and so our next follow up appointment will be in 8 weeks' time.

After lunch, we went to DK for Adrian's long overdue physio session. Adrian hasn't been behaving in the the past few physio sessions that he refused to perform the tasks assigned by the therapist. Instead, he'd do his own thing. The therapist took the time to speak with Mama about his progress and examined Adrian's foot and leg muscles. In the end, the therapist has concluded that Adrian probably doesn't need the physio sessions anymore. He's slowly catching up on others his age; and she suggested some motor skills exercise that we could do with Adrian at home or at the park. We'll have a final physio session on Feb 27 when the therapist would actually write up the report for the yearly doctor assessment that's going to be on the same day!

Jan 17, 2009

Adrian started his VMA/HVA diet today which means he needs to abstain from having Pediasure (no vanilla) until urine collection on Monday.

Jan 12, 2009

Adrian only had an hour nap (he usually naps for 2 hrs) and Mama used the extra time to cut his hair! The "Barney" DVD made Adrian sat still for the whole time and Mama was quite pleased with the end result given this is her first shot!

Jan 11, 2009

What was supposed to be the coldest day in winter, we spent the day up north going on a picnic organized by the CCF to the Wetland Park & Lau Fau Shan. It was a sunny day and we all dressed warm for this cold challenge. Luckily, it's not as cold as we thought with the sun and indeed, we even took off our jacket half day. Adrian wasn't that interested in the birds but the fish and the crocodile. After the adventure at the park and a seafood lunch at Lau Fau Shan, we had a stroll at the wet market there and then headed back. It was nice catching up with other parents/kids whom we know from K8N. Look forward to having many more of these gatherings before we take off in April/May.

Jan 10, 2009

Even though it's a paid service, we've been on the waiting list for more than 6 months and finally Adrian got a spot on the Early Childhood Training at Heep Hong. Each session is an hour long and the first one started this morning with the teacher performed an evaluation on Adrian. Again, like many others had said, Adrian is behind other kids his age for at least 6-9 months. We'll see what the teacher has to offer in the next class on Saturday.

Jan 7, 2009

We're back at QMH this afternoon for Adrian's second month post BMT vaccination. Adrian got entertained by himself in front of the mini-piano in the ward while Mama went to the pharmacy to get the shots. He was all good up until the nurse "cheated" Adrian to go into the Treatment room (telling him that Mama was inside) for the blood taking. Mama was just in time to get back after the blood taking was finished and not to mention, Adrian cried out loud that almost everyone in the ward heard him! Unfortunately it's not over yet, poor Adrian cried again with the 3 shots that followed (2 shots on both leg and 1 shot on his right arm). Will be back again on Feb 4th for more shots but it's all for good.

On the third day of school after the holidays, Adrian finally picked up the hint and ate by himself at lunch in school.

Jan 6, 2009

We find that Adrian loves seeing photos of "babies" these days. Whenever he's not in the mood or throwing tandrums, as soon as he sees pictures of "babies", he'd be say "BB" and then be really quiet! It's funny he even addresses kids who's older than him as "BB" whenever he sees them.

Jan 5, 2009

First day back to school after the holidays. Adrian is being forgetful or maybe he's getting used to rely on Mama over the holiday.... he refused to feed himself at lunch and needed the teacher fed him! Other than that, he was fine except he forgot some of the daily routines upon arriving school (like putting his photo in the "Present" column etc.).

Jan 2, 2009

On the coldest day since Winter this year, we bundled up and headed to Disney again this week as planned. It wasn't as pleasant as our first trip simply because the park was sooo packed! We spent a lot of times on the queue and only managed to watch one show (i.e. The Golden Mickey, which is a great show but too bad that Adrian was napping that time and only woke up in the last 5 mins of the show, yet he seemed to enjoy it and so we will definitely bring him back again next time), 2 games and shot some pictures with the cartoon characters this time. We stayed til the end watching the fireworks which Adrian enjoyed the most.

Well, this is something special for Adrian from Disney... Enjoy!